Tuesday 24 March 2009

The London Trip

Going to London is going home. So much do we love this city, which represents freedom. The first time I visited it, it was under Franco’s regime, so London opened many windows to my generation. We fell in love with the language, with the city, with the people. We read Virginia Woolf, whose novels so well describe the streets of London and its people. We discovered Shakespeare, whose plays were inspired by this extraordinary city. We listened to The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. We went to concerts given by Bob Dylan and became hippies at least for a few weeks. Life was full of promises. Everything was possible.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

The Valencian Filmoteque (now “Instituto Valenciano de Cinematografía Ricardo Muñoz Suay”) was created in 1985. The IVAC concentrates everything related to cinema and film for it preserves, restores, catalogues and makes known our cultural and film heritage on the one hand, and, on the other, it promotes, produces and trains audiovisual and film professionals, as it is responsible for the grants and subsidies to the Valencian audiovisual sector.

Multicultural EOI

Official Schools of Languages have a tradition of being open to different cultures and languages. Our students come from very different backgrounds and nationalities. There appears to be no incompatibility between multuralism and valencianism as Valencian culture itself is multicultural in its origin as we all know.

Who are our students?

Thursday 5 March 2009

Don't know what to do this weekend?

Are there any films you still haven't seen? After the Oscars, who hasn't seen Vicky Cristina Barcelona? If you are one of them, the film is still on at UGC. Never been to Australia? Although not an unforgettable film, you can go to enjoy the landscape and the actors. The film is still on there.

Two films you mustn't miss are The Reader and Revolutionary Road. In the second "a young couple living in a Connecticut suburb during the mid-1950s struggle to come to terms with their personal problems while trying to raise their two children. Based on a novel by Richard Yates". Read more at their page.

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Women's rights

Violence against women is a serious problem in our society. Violence and abuse affect all kinds of people every day. It doesn't matter what race or culture you come from, how much money you have, how old you are, or if you have a disability. Violence does not discriminate. Being a victim of violence is widely recognized as a cause for mental health problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and panic attacks.

Monday 2 March 2009

Bye Bye Pepe

Pepe Rubianes has gone for ever. He was a great and compromised artist who smashed the reactionary right wing with the weapons of his sardonic humour.