The announcement that a trip to London is being organized by the English Department Coordinación Cultural has been very well received by students. The budget will be published this week and we hope it will not be too expensive, so that people can sign in. As soon as the budget is published there will be a meeting to discuss the details of the trip. Event will keep you informed.
For the moment, if you have time, visit London from your laptop or the Multimedia room or the school library! There you will find "what's on", places to go, etc. Finally, if you find other websites of public interest about this wonderful city, don't forget to write a post and tell us about them!
Remember, in order to write a post, you have to register and open an account!
Hi, could a friend, who is not a student of eoi, travel to London with us?
Has the budget already been published?
And, can people from the EOI who are not inscribed in English lessons go to the trip?
Thanks very much in advance for the info.
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