Thursday 25 December 2008

Christmas Carols

Do you like traditional Christmas Carols? Well, a lot of people don't. Some of us actually hate walking in the Mall and hearing tha tacky melodies all along, once and again, endlessly repeated till one is sick.

Luckily, inferior quality divas aren't the only ones to sing them. Rock stars are also conquered by the Christmas Spirit. Some of them have their own version whether from their own creation or adapted from the classics.
Lynyrd Skynyrd, "Christmas Time Again", Flaming Lips, "Christmas at the Zoo", Beck's "Little Drum Machine Boy", Subjam Stevens' "Songs for Christmas", Bright Eyes, "A Christmas Album", Barenaked Ladies, "Green Christmas", AC/DC, "Mistress for Christmas" and Darness, "Christmas Time" are some of them.

So, if you want to get out of the trodden path, try one of these to create an original atmosphere at home. What do you think?

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