Those coming to London on March 16th who are interested in getting tickets for this London Musical on March 19th, please contact me saying so. The sooner we get the tickets the better. There are discounts for groups of ten or more people. The best seats are 55 pounds without the special price. Here there is an interesting page you want to search for more information.
We are thinking about a meeting on Saturday February 18th so that everybody can get together. What do you think?
Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.
- Daniel
Les Miserables..that's about LESLIE CARON right about now...and the QUEEN!
And there are ao many blogs talking about them and a load of ARYANS, you got to wonder wtf going on?
And not only that, they got massive reports on the mob and the mob is flipping with OBBILE !
And that means there's a OKSYCO in very big trouble along with the UNITED NATIONS in OKYLE!
UNTIL's the word.
And COCHOUN is spreading it.
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