Thursday 30 April 2009

The place of women in language: On gender, sex and power

Dr. José Santaemilia, Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the Universitat de València, as well as a legal and literary translator will be at the school this evening at seven oc'clock.

The title of his talk is "The place of women in language: On gender, sex and power" . Until very recently, women have been largely invisible in language. In this talk Santaemilia will introduce students to the field of gender and language studies, which looks at history, philosophy or psychology to understand the reasons for women’s subordination in language, for the different conversational strategies used by men or women, or for linguistic sexism.

Santaemilia's main research interests are gender and language, sexual language and legal translation (English-Spanish). He has edited Género, lenguaje y traducción (Valencia, 2003), Gender, sex and translation: The manipulation of identities (Manchester, 2005) and Gender and
sexual identities in transition: International Perspectives (Newcastle, 2008).

Don't miss it!

Event invites all of you to write a summary of the talk to inform others who haven't been so lucky and couldn't attend.

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