Monday, 9 November 2009

Review of a place

1. The Almoina Museum
2.Tarrazu  Bar
3. The Kaf Café
4. Casa Tony

1 comment:

Maxi said...

From 10th to 27th november, the MUSEU VALENCIÀ D´ETNOLOGIA (36, Corona St.) shows "Sunnugal in Africa", an exhibition about migrations. In a emotional way, "Sunnugal in Africa" tries to change our feelings regarding to African people and, by extension, to all the immigrants. The exhibition recreates four spaces: the African life, the trip, the difficulties in Europe and the hopes in a new intercultural society. During our visit to the exhibition, a "griot" (in the Senegalese culture, who preserves the oral tradition) guides us across several spaces, audiovisuals and stories about African culture and migrations. If you want to know more abour this
project, visit

I really recommend this exhibitions. Notice that it will finish next Friday.
