500.000 euros from The Development Aid Fund have been spent in decorating room XX United Nations building in Geneva. During the Spanish Republic, Jusep Maria Sert, the Catalan artist, painted three murals in this building. Eighty years later The United Nations asked the Sapish monarchs to make a second contribution to the building. Miquel Barceló was the artist chosen for a job that has taken him 13 months and has needed 35.000 kilograms of colour, besides much talent and engineering.
"Un planeta-cueva que reúne a los hombres y que viaja al futuro", that is the idea for the dome swept by waves and pointed by thousand of stalactites which summarizes his vision of the world.
Finanzing this art work has not been easy. ONUART, la institution created to carry out the project, is 60 per cent private, with some of the most important Spanish companies involved, and 40 per cent public. The work cost 20 million euros (40% by the government while the rest is private).
In his defense, Moratinos, the Spanish Foreign Office Secretary, said that according to article 68 of the law 42/2006 from december 28, finianzing the Human Rights and Civilizations Aliance Room -as Room XX in the United Nations Palace will be called - "cae bajo la categoría de ayuda al desarrollo".
Controversy is served. Give us your opinion. Write a comment!
Hi, I'm Dani, a english student from EOIVAl.
I readed this some weeks ago.
Generally speaking prices of works of art are ridicuolus, but in this case moreover reveal the hypocrisy of the first world. It makes no sense to spend so much money in that when there are a lot of people thirsty and hungry all over the world.
It sounds demagogic but it's my feeling.
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