A whole life devoted to the Spanish language, mostly outside our borders, Juan Goytisolo has received the National Prize (Premio Nacional de las Letras) from the Spanish Ministry of Culture with a cold attitude. His work has been at last recognized with 40,000 €.
Apart from novels, Juan Goytisolo has written essays and travel books, and is also well known for his opinion articles in El País newspaper, where he expresses his anger against injustice, for he is seriously compromised with improving our world and uncovering hypocrisy. Above all, he fights against crimes committed against immigrants in Europe, for, as he says, «una cultura es la mezcla de las influencias externas que ha ido recibiendo con los años. Y yo, personalemente, de la mezcla cultural he aprendido tanto como de Cervantes».
Finally, Juan Goytisolo maintains that «más que nunca, en estos tiempos difíciles y de crisis, la cultura es un asidero para la gente. Hay muchas causas dignas de ser defendidas, podría estar toda la noche enumerándolas».
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