Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Psychiatry and Art

The idea that there is a thin line between creativity and madness has been around for centuries. But now, for the first time, there's some insight into why the two might be mirror images of each other. The list of great artists who might have suffered from some sort of mental illness is almost endless: Edgar Allan Poe, William Blake, Lord Byron, Sylvia Plath, Georgia O'Keeffe and Virginia Woolf are only the tip of the iceberg.Read More.

The University of Valencia has organized an exhibition of great interest at La Nau (C/Universitat, 2). It opens tomorrow with a Lecture by Hélène Tropé (Paris III). "Madness and Inquisition in Spain in XVI and XVII c." is the title of the talk that will take place at The Paraninfo.

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